Desktop Alerts



Noti is tool allowing you to easily receive notifications from web applications directly on your desktop. No need to keep a web page open, just run our little app on your computer and you’ll be able to start receiving notifications directly from WHMCS whenever anyone signs up for an account, pays an invoice or opens a support ticket!

It will alert on when:

  • new customer
  • paid invoice
  • new support ticket

Detailed step by step

  1. To install you need to dow nload the files w ithin the repo and upload them to WHMCS_ROOT/modules/addons/noti
  2. Once the files have successfully uploaded navigate to the WHMCS administration area and click (Setup > Addon Modules )
  3. Here you w ill see a list of modules that have been uploaded, within this list you will see Noti. Click the ‘Activate’ link to begin
  4. setting up the module.
  • Noti API Key This must be generated by vis iting https :// and creating an app.
  1. Configuration
  • Once the module has been installed each administrator w ill need to login to WHMCS (Addons > Des ktop Notifications with Noti and Setup Noti by follow ing the instructions