How to debug an error in whmcs

To diagnose possible errors whmcs modules follow these steps .

Follow these steps to find the error, once detected contact us to provide the solution to their problem.

  • Check our module is compatible with your version , we do not support modules with lower versions 5.0 , or a version that does not appear as Stable in
  • Enable General Settings – > Other – > Display error ( YES): Tick to enable PHP Error Reporting (Do not leave enabled in live use )
  • With this Authorization should be an error screen if fails php
    • if still not seen, Ask your hosting provider to enable PHP error on screen.
    • The moment you find the error, read below for the same solution.

Please ticket us The logs that you have in:

  • If you have a blank, or other error in screen detail us in a ticket.
  • latest system module log /youradmin/systemmodulelog.php
  • latest system admin log /youradmin/systemadminlog.php
  • Error log.
    • Check if you have results in your error.log into the main installation folder whmcs by ftp on your hosting.
    • Check if you have results in your error.log in the same folder that you uploaded your module.

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